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In this post, I am sharing a custom function which will replace the String in all the column of a PostgreSQL Table.
Postgres provides the string replace function, but at a time you can replace string for a particular column.
Recently, I got the requirement like replace same string value in multiple columns.
So, I prepared a user-defined function which I am sharing here.
Please check code, and try it yourself:
Create a sample table with data:
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create table tbl_str (t1 character varying,t2 character varying); insert into tbl_str values ('AA','BB'),('BB','DD') ,('CC','BB'),('FF','GG'); |
Create a function for replacing string in all columns:
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create or replace function fn_replace_string_for_all_columns(tablename text,oldvalue text,newvalue text) returns void as $$ declare eachrw record; begin for eachrw in select 'UPDATE '||$1||' SET '||C.COLUMN_NAME||' = REPLACE ('||C.COLUMN_NAME||','''||$2||''','''||$3||'''); ' SQLQuery FROM (select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema='public' and table_name =$1)c loop EXECUTE eachrw.SQLQuery; end loop; end; $$language plpgsql; |
Call the function:
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select *from fn_replace_string_for_all_columns('tbl_str', 'BB', 'ZZ'); |
Check the result: ‘BB’ replaced by ‘ZZ’
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select *from tbl_str t1 | t2 ----------- AA | ZZ ZZ | DD CC | ZZ FF | GG |
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