Blog Archives @
September 2019
August 2019
- 12: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the Order basis on thier Status and Step (19)
- 05: SQL Server: How to compare your objects between two Databases (1)
July 2019
- 29: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Generate the group of Sequences (11)
- 22: PostgreSQL: Create Index on Full Text Search tsvector Data (0)
- 15: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Generate the range of data basis on common combination (6)
- 08: Database Theory: What is CAP theorem – Consistency, Availability, Partition (0)
- 01: PostgreSQL: Example of SERIALIZABLE Isolation Level (1)
June 2019
- 24: SQL Server: Script to check Network or Connect permission of User (1)
- 17: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – To generate the account balance column for Bank Accounts (5)
- 10: PostgreSQL: Disable Non-Durable parameters and Improve Server Performance (0)
- 03: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Place NULL for repeating values (4)
May 2019
- 27: SQL Server: Script to find the total size of the Indexes (0)
- 20: SQL Server: How to find a time when was SQL Server Restarted (0)
- 13: PostgreSQL: How to remove accents (diacritic signs) from lexemes (0)
- 06: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Report on Manager & Employee Nth level hierarchy (1)
April 2019
- 29: SQL Server Interview: How to remove New Line Character from a string? (0)
- 22: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the Week start day and Week end day for given Month (1)
- 15: PostgreSQL: Find Factorial, Absolute, Negation value (0)
- 08: SQL Server: Find Stored Procedures which use Dynamic SQL and Temporary Table (0)
- 01: MySQL: Download Link for Sample Database (Sakila) (0)
March 2019
- 25: PostgreSQL: Script to convert User to Super User (0)
- 18: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Replace NULL with Previous Non Null value (5)
- 11: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Generate the data in the RANGE format (5)
- 04: PostgreSQL: Bash Shell Script to execute psql command in UNIX / LINUX (1)
February 2019
- 25: PostgreSQL: Don’t take backup until your Database is changed (0)
- 18: PostgreSQL: What is IMMUTABLE, STABLE, VOLATILE and COST of Function (0)
- 11: PostgreSQL: join_collapse_limit to force join order laid out by explicit JOINs (0)
- 04: Database Design: Please do not use DISTINCT (1)
January 2019
- 28: SQL Server: Auto Generate Database Detach and Attach Scripts (0)
- 21: SQL Server: Script to find a list of Weekends between two Dates (0)
- 14: SQL Server: Script to take full backup for all the Databases (0)
- 07: SQL Server: Set IDENTITY to existing Column of a Table (0)
December 2018
- 31: PostgreSQL: Optimize the Function by defining Volatility Classification (0)
- 24: SQL Server: If Table Exists in a Database, don’t perform any action (0)
- 17: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Do basic validation of Email Address (3)
- 10: SQL Server: If a Column Exists in a Table, don’t add it (0)
- 03: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Do the Multiplication for each Group (1)
November 2018
- 26: SQL Server: Script to find the Largest Object of a Database (0)
- 19: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Get the Last Sunday of Previous Week (3)
- 12: SQL Server: Script to find the Size of Indexes (0)
- 05: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Check a String Is Number or Not (3)
October 2018
- 29: SQL Server: Script to find the list of Triggers (0)
- 22: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Get last five rows without ORDER BY (7)
- 15: SQL Server: How to Aggregate data and perform Multiplication? (0)
- 08: SQL Server: While execution, Debug the Code and Print the message (0)
- 01: SQL Server: Encrypt Password using HASHBYTES function (1)
September 2018
- 24: SQL Server: Generate the DROP Script for Table, Function, Stored Procedure, Schema (0)
- 17: MySQL: Script to check the size of Database and Tables (0)
- 10: SQL Server: How to create Read Only Table? (0)
- 03: PostgreSQL: Script to find all Objects of a Particular User (1)
August 2018
- 27: PostgreSQL: How to get the list of all Schemas of a database in PSQL? (0)
- 20: PostgreSQL: How to get the list of all privileges of a database in PSQL? (0)
- 13: PostgreSQL: How to get the list of all tables and all databases in PSQL? (0)
- 06: MySQL: How to Swap Table or Rename the table in one transaction? (0)
July 2018
- 30: MySQL: Script to find all the Tables without having a Primary Key (1)
- 23: SQL Server: Basic performance test between SELECT INTO and INSERT INTO SELECT (0)
- 16: SQL Puzzle: Get the last three Records of a table (11)
- 09: SQL Server: Script to check the file exists or not (Using xp_fileexist ) (0)
- 02: SQL Puzzle: Find Correlation Coefficients for the Run of Cricket Players (3)
June 2018
- 25: SQL Server: Extra Tabs and Spaces of object occupies more disk area (0)
- 18: SQL Server: Script to PINTABLE and UNPINTABLE (Keep data in Cache) (0)
- 11: SQL Server 2014: Examples of Table Variable with Indexes (0)
- 04: SQL Puzzle: Delete Duplicate Data without Primary key, ROW_NUMBER() (7)
- 01: SQL Server Coding Standards: Working with Error Handling and Transaction Support (0)
May 2018
- 31: SQL Server Coding Standards: Working with Triggers (0)
- 30: SQL Server Coding Standards: Working with User Defined Functions (0)
- 29: SQL Server Coding Standards: Working with Stored Procedures (0)
- 28: SQL Server Coding Standards: General Guidelines and usage of Views (0)
- 27: SQL Server Coding Standards: Best practices with Constraints (0)
- 26: SQL Server Coding Standards: Choosing Correct Data Type (1)
- 25: SQL Server Coding Standards: Best way to define Table Identifiers (0)
- 24: SQL Server Coding Standards: Best practices for MERGE Statement (0)
- 23: SQL Server Coding Standards: Best practices for DELETE Query (0)
- 22: SQL Server Coding Standards: Best practices for UPDATE Query (0)
- 21: SQL Server Coding Standards: Best practices for INSERT Query (0)
- 20: SQL Server Coding Standards: How to write a SELECT Query (Part 2)? (0)
- 19: SQL Server Coding Standards: How to write a SELECT Query (Part 1)? (0)
- 18: SQL Server Coding Standards: T-SQL Query and Batch Practices (0)
- 17: SQL Server Coding Standards: About General Naming Conventions (0)
- 16: SQL Server Coding Standards: About Object Identifiers (0)
- 15: SQL Puzzle: Generate Calendar Data for 19th Century (3)
- 14: SQL Puzzle: Use Recursive CTE, and list out the Years from Dates (3)
- 13: SQL Server: Set the default value to IMAGE Column or Binary Data (0)
- 12: SQL Puzzle: Calculate the Power of Three (2)
- 11: SQL Server: Do the Schema Compare between two Tables (0)
- 10: SQL Server Interview: How to insert the data into Multiple Tables? (0)
- 09: SQL Puzzle: Find the Median Value from the Given Number (3)
- 08: SQL Puzzle: Use Group By, Find MIN MAX unit sold of a Month (0)
- 07: SQL Server Interview: Is NULL = NULL valid condition? (0)
- 06: DBRND listed by feedspot in the Category of Top 10 PostgreSQL Blogs (11)
- 05: DBRND listed by feedspot in the Category of Top 30 SQL Server Blogs (28)
- 04: SQL Puzzle: Get the list of Monday of a Month (4)
- 03: SQL Puzzle: Find the upcoming Birthday for a Next Month (6)
- 02: SQL Server: Using xp_cmdshell, Read the data of Text File (0)
- 01: SQL Server: Script to configure the Database Mail (1)
April 2018
- 30: PostgreSQL: How to parse the hyphenated word? (0)
- 29: PostgreSQL: How to obtain a Lock on Table? (0)
- 28: PostgreSQL: Change the Default Data Directory in Linux (0)
- 27: PostgreSQL: Move Main Data Directory in Linux (Ubuntu 16.4) (0)
- 26: PostgreSQL: Example of CROSSTAB query, for PIVOT arrangement (0)
- 25: PostgreSQL: How to Recover postgres User Password? (3)
- 24: PostgreSQL: Do Modulo Operation using MOD Function (0)
- 23: PostgreSQL: How to create RECURSIVE VIEW? (0)
- 22: PostgreSQL: Explain Group By ROLLUP with an example (0)
- 21: PostgreSQL 9.5: BRIN Index Maintenance using brin_summarize_new_values (0)
- 20: PostgreSQL: DELETE JOIN with an example (3)
- 19: PostgreSQL: How to reload the Server Configuration Files? (0)
- 18: PostgreSQL: Get the name of Current Database (0)
- 17: PostgreSQL: How to Validate the Email Address Column? (2)
- 16: PostgreSQL: SHOW ALL; For checking the Configuration of Server (0)
- 15: PostgreSQL: Get a full length column string in PgAdmin (0)
- 14: PostgreSQL: Use RAISE Statements to debug your Query and Function performance (3)
- 13: PostgreSQL: VACUUM VERBOSE to find data pages and dead row versions (0)
- 12: PostgreSQL: Use pgbench for testing the Load Performance of Server (0)
- 11: PostgreSQL: Set listen_addresses for multiple Host Addresses (0)
- 10: PostgreSQL: Get the Milliseconds from the Timestamp (3)
- 09: PostgreSQL: Script to check the status of Shared Buffer (Use pg_buffercache) (0)
- 08: PostgreSQL: Load table into Buffer Cache, Increase the Speed of Accessing data (1)
- 07: PostgreSQL: Can’t update a table without finishing execution of function (0)
- 06: PostgreSQL: Use pg_resetxlog to recover the deleted pg_xlog data (0)
- 05: PostgreSQL: Stop the new User from creating a new Table (0)
- 04: PostgreSQL: How to drop all Tables? (0)
- 03: PostgreSQL: Improve Query Performance by Extended Statistics (0)
- 02: PostgreSQL: How to switch the Database Connection? (0)
- 01: SQL Server: Never Apply INNER JOIN or EQUI JOIN on NULL Values (1)
March 2018
- 31: PostgreSQL: Full Text Search using tsvector (3)
- 30: PostgreSQL: Script to check the status of AutoVacuum for all Tables (1)
- 29: PostgreSQL: How to parse the URL? (0)
- 28: PostgreSQL: Create UNLOGGED Table for Good Performance (0)
- 27: PostgreSQL: Do before populating a New Database (1)
- 26: PostgreSQL: Create TABLE IF NOT EXISTS (0)
- 25: PostgreSQL: UPDATE JOIN with an example (2)
- 24: PostgreSQL is the DBMS of the Year 2017 (1)
- 23: SQL Server 2012: Script to check the status of Distributed Always On Availability Group (2)
- 22: SQL Server 2012: Script to monitor Automatic Seeding of Always On Availability group (2)
- 21: SQL Server Interview: What is the difference between TABLOCK and TABLOCKX? (0)
- 20: SQL Server: How to ESCAPE Square Brackets in LIKE? (2)
- 19: SQL Server: The use of Semicolons is a good habit, Don’t forget it (0)
- 18: SQL Server: How to remove IDENTITY from a Column? (0)
- 17: MySQL: Missing MySQL Service in services.msc (Windows System) (5)
- 16: MySQL: How to reset ROOT password in Windows System? (0)
- 15: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – How to get the Name of Month (2)
- 14: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Get the DISTINCT String data after CONCAT (5)
- 13: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Concat the String records without using STUFF function (1)
- 12: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – UPDATE Table from SELECT JOIN Statement (1)
- 11: SQL Server: How to change the default “GO” Batch Separator? (0)
- 10: SQL Server Interview: Primary Key Column as Non Clustered Index, Non Primary Key Column as Clustered Index (0)
- 09: SQL Server: Optimize the Performance of TempDB (1)
- 08: SQL Server Interview: Difference between Sequence Object and Identity Column (0)
- 07: SQL Server 2016: Enable System-versioned Temporal Table on existing Table (0)
- 06: SQL Server 2016: Drop table operation failed on table because it is not supported operation on system-versioned temporal tables (0)
- 05: SQL Server 2016: System-versioned Temporal Table to store History of data change (0)
- 04: SQL Server: Allow Multiple NULL Values in UNIQUE Constraint (3)
- 03: SQL Server: Create Full Text Search Index, Use CONTAINS for pattern matching (1)
- 02: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Generate a Random number in the range of Fifty (2)
- 01: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Count total number of Working Days between Two Dates (2)
February 2018
- 28: SQL Server: Script to find the list of Startup Procedures (0)
- 27: SQL Server: After Dropping a Column, Rebuild the table and get the Space (0)
- 26: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find last SET of String after Specific character (2)
- 25: SQL Server 2017: Unable to find SQL Server Configuration Manager (5)
- 24: SQL Server: Script to check Newly Allocated Pages to the Table (0)
- 23: SQL Server: Script to Drop a Table from all Databases (0)
- 22: SQL Server: Script to Unlock a Database User (0)
- 21: SQL Server: Find the Service Account Name, under SQL services are running (1)
- 20: PostgreSQL: Generate Number series and Date time series or sequence (0)
- 19: SQL Server: Maths of ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK (0)
- 18: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Using Recursive CTE, Generates the Columns (0)
- 17: SQL Server: sp_refreshsqlmodule for refreshing Module Metadata Information (0)
- 16: SQL Server: Msg 262, SHOWPLAN permission denied in database (0)
- 15: SQL Server Interview: Identify the main table name from SQL Queries (0)
- 14: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Divide a Column data into Multiple Columns (4)
- 13: SQL Server: How to change Authentication Mode from Windows Registry? (0)
- 12: SQL Server Interview: Revoke all permissions, Grant one Table to User (0)
- 11: SQL Server: Script to rename all Tables of a Database (0)
- 10: SQL Server: Change the SCHEMA of a Table or Move all Tables in another SCHEMA (1)
- 08: SQL Server: Remove Hypothetical Indexes, created by Database Engine Tuning Advisor (0)
- 07: SQL Server: sp_spaceused for accurate disk space information of Database (0)
- 06: Greenplum: Script to find Table Fragmentation and total wasted space (1)
- 05: Greenplum: gp_bloat_diag to get the list of pending VACUUM of Tables (0)
- 04: Greenplum: gp_stats_missing to get the list of pending ANALYZE of Tables (2)
- 03: Greenplum: How to Troubleshoot running Database Backup Process (0)
- 02: Greenplum: Script to find blocked and deadlock by other blocking queries (1)
- 01: Greenplum: Find long running sessions with lock information (0)
January 2018
- 31: SQL Server: Script to find a list of CHECK Constraints of Database (0)
- 30: SQL Server: Script to find Unused Indexes of Database (2)
- 29: SQL Server Interview: Can we restore the only data file (.mdf file)? (0)
- 28: SQL Server Interview: How to get the User Name, who created Database Backup? (0)
- 27: SQL Server: Script to find Database USER LOGIN Information (0)
- 26: SQL Server: Check the status of running Database Backup (0)
- 25: SQL Server: How to configure MAXDOP Parameter (Max Degree of Parallelism) (0)
- 24: SQL Server: Find total number of Sessions of a Database (0)
- 23: SQL Server: How to get a Stored Procedure name in CATCH Block (0)
- 22: SQL Server Interview: For Database Fresher – Different ways to create a Primary Key (0)
- 21: SQL Server: Script to get the definition of Trace (0)
- 20: SQL Server: How to recycle SQL Server Agent Error logs? (0)
- 19: SQL Server: Script to check If Mirroring enable for Database (2)
- 18: SQL Server: Script to get the SSIS Packages of MSDB (0)
- 17: SQL Server: Update all NULL Columns with ZERO (0) (0)
- 16: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Calculate SUM between Two Tables (3)
- 15: SQL Server 2014: Buffer Pool Extension to improve I/O throughput and Query Cache (0)
- 14: SQL Server: Frequently Restart a SQL Server is a bad practice (5)
- 13: SQL Server 2016: Introduced Live Query Statistics, Monitor Live Query Execution (0)
- 12: SQL Server 2016: sys.dm_db_column_store_row_group_physical_stats to find fragmentation of Columnstore Indexes (0)
- 11: SQL Server 2016: sys.dm_column_store_object_pool to find memory pool usage by Columnstore Indexes (0)
- 10: SQL Server 2014: sys.column_store_row_groups to find information on Columnstore row groups (0)
- 09: SQL Server 2012: SORT_IN_TEMPDB used to Improve the Index Rebuild Performance (2)
- 08: SQL Server: Easy way to get the Table Difference For Data (0)
- 07: SQL Server 2016: Columnstore Index on Memory Optimized In Memory OLTP Tables (0)
- 06: SQL Server 2016: Script to get information of Cached Functions (Total Execution Time) (0)
- 05: SQL Server 2016: Introduced MAXDOP with DBCC Commands (0)
- 04: SQL Server 2016: Introduced Database Scoped Configuration Options (0)
- 03: SQL Server 2014: Monitor Memory Optimized Tables which stored in Memory (0)
- 02: SQL Server 2014: Introduced DBCC CLONEDATABASE TO generate only Schema and Statistics (0)
- 01: SQL Server: How to get the Table Column Differences? (0)
December 2017
- 31: PostgreSQL: Calculate Percent Rank and Cumulative Percent Rank (0)
- 30: PostgreSQL: Log the DROP TABLE Statement (0)
- 29: PostgreSQL: Script to find the Used space by TOAST Table (1)
- 28: PostgreSQL: Generate CSV Log File, Insert into Table (0)
- 27: PostgreSQL: Understand TIMESTAMP vs TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE (1)
- 26: PostgreSQL: Set wait time for Deadlock Detection (deadlock_timeout) (0)
- 25: PostgreSQL: Important Statistics Views for Monitoring the Server (0)
- 24: PostgreSQL: Different options for Data Type Casting (0)
- 23: PostgreSQL: Check the progress of running VACUUM (2)
- 22: PostgreSQL: How to take Compressed Backup of Database? (0)
- 21: PostgreSQL: How to Create and Use Tablespace? (0)
- 20: PostgreSQL: Cannot Create a table with Reserved Keyword (0)
- 19: PostgreSQL: Understand the Proof of MVCC (Use XMIN Column) (6)
- 18: PostgreSQL: Must know about DATE ADD operation (0)
- 17: PostgreSQL: Allow single NULL for UNIQUE Constraint Column (0)
- 16: PostgreSQL: Create Index using ORDER BY (ASC/DESC) (0)
- 15: PostgreSQL: Set Application Name for each Session and Connection (1)
- 14: PostgreSQL: Best Practice – Create Extension in Schema (2)
- 13: PostgreSQL: Duplicate or Copy Table with Data, Constraint, Index (1)
- 12: PostgreSQL 10: Introduced Native Table Partitioning (0)
- 11: PostgreSQL 10: Important – Name change from xlog to wal and location to lsn (0)
- 10: PostgreSQL 10: Trace the Status of Transaction (Commit, In Progress, Rollback, Aborted) (0)
- 09: PostgreSQL 10: Introduced XML Table – to store XML Document (1)
- 08: PostgreSQL 10: Introduced IDENTITY Column for generating Sequence (0)
- 07: PostgreSQL 10: Now Launched and Available for Use (0)
- 06: PostgreSQL: SIMILAR operator for pattern matching (0)
- 05: PostgreSQL: Important Parameters for Query Planner Configuration (0)
- 04: PostgreSQL: Replace String data in all the Columns of a Table (0)
- 03: PostgreSQL: Get the data difference between two Tables (4)
- 02: PostgreSQL: Create a Copy of Table or Create a Duplicate Table (0)
- 01: PostgreSQL: Copy Table Data from another Table (INSERT INTO SELECT) (3)
November 2017
- 30: Greenplum: Script to find running queries or statements which are Waiting in Resource Queues (0)
- 29: SQL Server: Not Good – Cost Threshold for Parallelism Default is Five (0)
- 28: Greenplum: How to Start and Stop Database? (0)
- 27: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Create a function to get the string in InitCap Format (3)
- 26: Greenplum: Script to find information for Long running Queries with occupied resource (0)
- 25: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Count the total number of missing Numbers (8)
- 24: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the most repeated value of a Table (2)
- 23: PostgreSQL: Move Table with Data from one Schema to another Schema (4)
- 22: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Delete duplicate without using RANK, PARTITION, ROW NUMBER (8)
- 21: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the count of Lowercase, Uppercase, Special Characters (1)
- 20: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the Sum of privious values without using a self-join (1)
- 19: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Alternate ORDER BY result for Male – Female Data (2)
- 18: Greenplum: Script to check the size of Database, Schema and Table (Using gp_toolkit schema) (0)
- 17: SQL Server: When you last executed DBCC CHECKDB? (Using sp_readerrorlog) (0)
- 16: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Remove all NULL value and arrange other NON NULL (5)
- 15: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Do PIVOT – UNPIVOT and Sort the result (0)
- 14: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find Employee with salary greater than their Manager (6)
- 13: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Generate Fibonacci Series (0)
- 12: SQL Server 2014: WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY improved the performance of ONLINE REBUILD INDEX operation (0)
- 11: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Fill the gap of Missing Codes (2)
- 10: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Count the Even and Odd number occurrence (1)
- 09: MySQL: Copy Database From One Server to Another Server (Using mysqldump) (1)
- 08: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the list of Years between Start Year and End Year (1)
- 07: Greenplum: How to reset the Priority of Running Statement or Transaction? (0)
- 06: SQL Server 2016: New COMPRESS and DECOMPRESS function for the Column level Compression (0)
- 05: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Reduce duplicate column data by merging ID with it (5)
- 04: SQL Server: How to Remove Forwarded Records of a Heap Table? (0)
- 03: SQL Server: Script to find the Forwarded Records count of a Table (0)
- 02: SQL Server: Must know – the Forwarded Records in HEAP Table (0)
- 01: SQL Server Interview: Theory – What are the different states of Database (0)
October 2017
- 31: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Search the percentage (%) character in table (1)
- 30: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Display Year and Month data With or Without PIVOT (2)
- 29: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Print START before group and Print END after group (1)
- 28: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find date range for same Market Rank (2)
- 27: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Count the total Working days from the given dates (1)
- 26: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – To Swap the values in the Table (4)
- 25: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Generate the report on Missing Year – Month data (3)
- 24: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the average shared salary by each department (4)
- 23: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the date of all third Sunday for Year 2017 (2)
- 22: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Check number is an Integer or not an Integer (3)
- 21: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Split the String and generate count of Each part (5)
- 20: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Use STUFF() and form the aggregate of columns (1)
- 19: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Group and Count of Consecutive flags (4)
- 18: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find maximum consecutive wins for team India (1)
- 17: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Concat repeated String with their Count (1)
- 16: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – If holiday on joining day, change joining date (1)
- 15: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find count of value from multiple columns (2)
- 14: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Skip the first set of Zeros (4)
- 13: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find second highest salary for each department (1)
- 12: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find number of days of the Month of any date (4)
- 11: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find number the first day of Quarter of Year (3)
- 10: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Solve Date Overlapping Problem (2)
- 09: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Partition Employee Table in Three parts (1)
- 08: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the Column name which has all NULL (2)
- 07: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Print comma separated Divisions (2)
- 06: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Solve the challenge of DISTINCT (5)
- 05: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the range of missing years (1)
- 04: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Generate Row number without any default function (6)
- 03: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the Square of first Ten Number (1)
- 02: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Split the number and Calculate addition (1)
- 01: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Perform INTERSECT ALL to select all the common records (1)
September 2017
- 15: SQL Server 2016: Introduced Data Compression Algorithm to reduce the size of Table (0)
- 14: SQL Server: Use sp_estimate_data_compression_savings for checking estimate object size and saving space (0)
- 12: SQL Server: BULK INSERT for insert data from Flat file (CSV) to Table (0)
- 11: SQL Puzzle: Write a Function to count the total number of word (4)
- 10: Greenplum: Important Queries to Configure the Resource Queue (Workload Management) (0)
- 09: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Print UP or DOWN or UpDown (2)
- 08: Greenplum: Important Parameters of Resource Queue (Workload Management) (0)
- 07: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Replace Previous Date if difference is only for One Day (3)
- 06: SQL Server Interview: List out the Best Practices, after installation of SQL Server (0)
- 05: SQL Server 2016: Use dm_exec_session_wait_stats to check wait statistics per Session Level (0)
- 04: SQL Server 2016: Use dm_exec_function_stats to check Number of Execution Count of Function (0)
- 03: SQL Server: Implement Table Partition in Non Enterprise Edition (Use Partitioned View) (4)
- 02: SQL Server: Use sp_MSforeachtable to apply a T-SQL command to every table of current Database (2)
- 01: SQL Server: Script to find untrusted or invalid Foreign Keys (0)
August 2017
- 31: SQL Server 2016: Generate the JSON formatted data from the Table Data (0)
- 30: SQL Server: sp_monitor to compare the server statistics for different executions (0)
- 29: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Use PARSENAME() and Sort the IP-Addresses (0)
- 28: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Use STUFF() and Mask the Credit Card Number (1)
- 27: SQL Server: Use sp_recompile to recompile the stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions (0)
- 26: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the shortest path between two Roads (4)
- 25: SQL Server: Use sp_clean_db_free_space to remove Ghost Records or Dead Tuples (1)
- 24: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Generate report on Start – End time basis on Corresponded IDs (0)
- 23: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Create comma separated aggregation for Common schedules (2)
- 22: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the Start – End Range for the Gap (3)
- 21: SQL Server 2016: Use STRING_ESCAPE to escape single quotes, double quotes, forward slashes (0)
- 20: SQL Server 2012: Use sp_describe_first_result_set to compare the Table Definition (0)
- 19: SQL Server 2012: Use sp_server_diagnostics to check the health of Server (1)
- 18: SQL Server: Function to remove Non ASCII Characters and Special Characters (1)
- 17: SQL Server 2012: Introduced the new form of TRY CATCH Exception Handling using THROW (0)
- 16: SQL Server 2016: Row Level Security by Example (1)
- 15: SQL Server Interview: Have you ever created a Temporary Stored Procedure or Function? (0)
- 14: SQL Server: Script to check the size of Query Plan Cache (0)
- 13: SQL Server: When DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS fails, script to find dirty pages from Memory (0)
- 12: PostgreSQL: pgAdmin 4 Error – Unrecognized configuration parameter “bytea_output” (0)
- 11: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find most awarded cricket match type (2)
- 10: SQL Server: How to find Table name from Page ID? (0)
- 09: SQL Server: Corrupt a table using DBCC WRITEPAGE (0)
- 08: SQL Server: Script to find SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD wait type usage (0)
- 07: SQL Server Interview: As a DBA, which wait types are important to check (0)
- 06: SQL Server: Script to check the Allocation Units of a Table (1)
- 05: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find max value from multiple columns (1)
- 04: SQL Server: Script to execute Update Statistics for all Databases (0)
- 03: SQL Server Interview: What is the difference between AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS and AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC (0)
- 02: MySQL: Install MySQL Tuner to get Performance Metrice in Ubuntu 16.04 (2)
- 01: PostgreSQL: Don’t Create or Drop Temp Table in LOOP, otherwise will get OID does not exist (0)
July 2017
- 31: PostgreSQL: Take Schema backup or Copy Schema into another Server (0)
- 30: PostgreSQL: Which port or server default select from multiple servers (0)
- 29: Greenplum: Alter Table Distribution Key or Policy (0)
- 28: Greenplum: Script to check Tablespace and Filespace information (0)
- 27: PostgreSQL: Install pgAdmin 4 Desktop Mode in Ubuntu 16.04 (21)
- 26: Greenplum: Script to check the full disk space of DCA (0)
- 25: MySQL: How to change the default name of root User? (0)
- 24: MySQL: Move Data Directory to a New Location on Ubuntu 16.04 (2)
- 23: MySQL: How to Install MySQL 5.7 on Ubuntu 16.04? (0)
- 22: SQL Server: SSMS Client Statistics – more than STATISTICS IO (0)
- 21: SQL Server: Practical example of Exceeding the maximum row size of 8060 (0)
- 20: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find a Book name which is printed in 50% of Languages (1)
- 19: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find third highest Employee Salary (0)
- 18: SQL Server 2016: Use OPENJSON() to extract JSON data from Input Parameter (0)
- 17: SQL Server Interview: Which Index uses by COUNT(*) statement (0)
- 16: SQL Server: Performance Test – Problem of mismatched Column Data Type (0)
- 15: SQL Server 2017: Start and Stop, Enable and Disable SQL Server Service on Linux (0)
- 14: PostgreSQL: How to uninstall PostgreSQL 9.6 from Ubuntu (3)
- 13: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – If column forms a sequence then print ‘Yes’ otherwise ‘No’ (0)
- 12: PostgreSQL: Different options to check If Table Exists in Database (2)
- 11: SQL Server Interview: What is the difference between Unique Constraint and Unique Index? (2)
- 10: PostgreSQL: ERROR – canceling statement due to statement timeout (4)
- 09: Greenplum: Script to find a list of DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY Table (0)
- 08: PostgreSQL: ERROR – must be superuser to COPY to or from a file (1)
- 07: PostgreSQL: FATAL Error – remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections (0)
- 06: Greenplum: Script to find list of Append Only or Append Optimized Tables (1)
- 05: PostgreSQL: Generate ALTER statements to Rename table and column name in Lower case (0)
- 04: MySQL: Script to find Missing Indexes for particular type of Columns (4)
- 03: MySQL: Take a separate backup of Table Data and Table Structure (0)
- 02: MySQL: Take a Table Backup or Ignore few Tables in a Backup (0)
- 01: Greenplum: Script to find the usage of Work spill file per Running Query (0)
June 2017
- 30: Greenplum: How to find Skewness of table (Skew of data)? (0)
- 29: Greenplum: How to check the Database Schema Size? (0)
- 23: Greenplum: Script to find Work Spill Files usage for all Segments (0)
- 22: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Sort Products based on Versions (1)
- 21: Greenplum: When the last VACUUM or ANALYZE executed on Tables? (0)
- 20: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – To find total number of Sundays in a given Year (0)
- 19: PostgreSQL: Use PSQL command line variable to make your SQL Queries Dynamic (0)
- 18: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find first 100 Prime numbers in SQL Server (5)
- 17: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Draw a Triangle without using any Loop (0)
- 16: SQL Puzzle: SQL Advance Query – Find the distinct combination from cross Columns (0)
- 15: Greenplum: Script to find Role information with associated Resource Queue (0)
- 14: SQL Puzzle: Advance SQL Query – Convert single cell of table into multiple Rows (2)
- 13: PostgreSQL: Find a list of active Temp tables with Size and User information (0)
- 12: SQL Server: How to keep a few records in Top result of ORDER BY (0)
- 11: Linux: Importance of first line comment “#!/bin/sh” in a shell script (1)
- 10: Linux: If your shell script is running, skip the next execution and exit it (0)
- 09: Greenplum: Script to find configuration information of Resource Queues (0)
- 08: Greenplum: Script to find the size and usage statistics of Indexes (2)
- 07: PostgreSQL: Script to find the count of objects for each Database Schema (0)
- 06: Greenplum: Script to find the size of Column Data (0)
- 05: Greenplum: Script to find list of Roles with Member information (3)
- 04: Greenplum: Script to find all Distribution Keys of Database tables (0)
- 03: SQL Server Interview: Advance SQL Query – Don’t use pivot and Do Row aggregation into Column (1)
- 02: SQL Server Interview: Advance SQL Query – Find Permutations and Combinations of a String Column (1)
- 01: SQL Server Interview: Advance SQL Query – Find a count of repeated character in a String (4)
May 2017
- 31: SQL Server Interview: Advance SQL Query – Find String values which are adjacent to each other (1)
- 30: PostgreSQL: Non Superuser can kill their own running queries (0)
- 29: SQL Server: How to find Corrupted Indexed View using DBCC CHECKDB? (0)
- 28: PostgreSQL: How to Insert text with single quote and apostrophe? (0)
- 27: SQL Server: Committed Inner transactions never releases the log disk space (0)
- 26: SQL Server Interview: If Outer transaction ROLLBACK, what happens to Inner transaction (0)
- 25: SQL Server: Why Shrink Database is bad, Check the practical demonstration (0)
- 24: SQL Server: Who dropped a table, find out from Transaction Log (0)
- 23: PostgreSQL: Use array_agg, to get DISTINCT value for each Column (1)
- 22: SQL Server: Script to find Open Transaction to avoid Deadlock (0)
- 21: SQL Server Interview: How to manage Services or Instances from Command Prompt? (0)
- 20: PostgreSQL: Compare two String Similarity in percentage (pg_trgm module) (3)
- 19: SQL Server: Move your database using Attach and Detach (0)
- 18: SQL Server Interview: What is difference between SINGLE_USER, RESTRICTED_USER and MULTI_USER (0)
- 17: SQL Server: T-SQL Script to identify current Authentication Mode (0)
- 16: SQL Server Interview: Can disable the Index, If yes, how to verify disable indexes? (0)
- 15: SQL Server 2017: Microsoft released Community Technical Preview (CTP 2.0) on 19th April 2017 (0)
April 2017
- 27: SQL Server Interview: What are the different Startup Options? (0)
- 26: SQL Server: How to move TempDB from one drive to another drive (0)
- 25: SQL Server: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection (0)
- 24: PostgreSQL: Use pg_dump | SSH | psql, Copy Table data from a Server to another Server (1)
- 23: SQL Server Interview: What, How, Where, Which for Default Trace (0)
- 22: SQL Server: BACKUP DATABASE permission denied in database (0)
- 21: SQL Server 2016: Wide World Importers (WWI) – New sample database (0)
- 20: SQL Server 2016: Use WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER to remove [square brackets] from JSON (0)
- 19: SQL Server 2016: Introduced AT TIME ZONE Expression to select different TIME ZONEs (0)
- 18: SQL Server: Encrypt Column data using Symmetric Key Encryption (0)
- 17: PostgreSQL 9.5: Multiple columns or keys in ON CONFLICT clause (0)
- 16: PostgreSQL: Can we create In memory Database or Table? (1)
- 15: SQL Server 2016: New DATEDIFF_BIG to take difference for MICROSECOND, NANOSECOND, MILLISECOND (0)
- 14: SQL Server 2016: SSMS close unsaved T-SQL query windows (0)
- 13: SQL Server 2016: SSMS supports Edit TOP 200 Rows for View (0)
- 12: PostgreSQL 9.6: Introduced CROSSTABVIEW (pivot) in PSQL (0)
- 11: PostgreSQL 9.6: Introduced pg_visibility module to examine visibility map (0)
- 10: PostgreSQL 9.6: Introduced wait_event_type and wait_event new columns of pg_stat_activity (0)
- 09: PostgreSQL 9.6: pg_notification_queue_usage function to monitor the queues and notifications (0)
- 08: PostgreSQL 9.6: Introduced pg_config system view to paths and compilation details (0)
- 07: PostgreSQL 9.6: Introduced a pg_blocking_pids function to get blocking process id (0)
- 06: PostgreSQL: Use pg_backend_pid to get your current Process ID (Session ID) (1)
- 05: PostgreSQL: Create Audit Trigger, for logging or Auditing your Database DML Transactions (4)
- 04: NoSQL: Create user defined type in Cassandra (2)
- 03: PostgreSQL: Script to find Orphaned Sequence, not owned by any Column (0)
- 02: MySQL: Simplest way to move your InnoDB table from one Database to another Database (1)
- 01: MySQL: InnoDB Table Compression, How we can Compressed Table? (0)
March 2017
- 31: SQL Server: Find Log Sequence Number (LSN) from Database Backup Files (0)
- 30: SQL Server: What is a Log Sequence Number (LSN)? (2)
- 29: SQL Server 2016: STRING_SPLIT to Split a String by Different Delimiters (1)
- 28: SQL Server 2012: T-SQL script to convert a Database to Partial Contained Database (0)
- 27: SQL Server 2012: Script to enable Contained Database at Instance Level (0)
- 26: SQL Server 2012: What is Contained Database and how to configure it? (0)
- 25: PostgreSQL: regexp_split_to_array to Split String using different Delimiters (0)
- 24: SQL Server Interview: Use xp_msver to get more information of Server Version (0)
- 23: SQL Server: xp_cmdshell and BCP to export table data in a Text File (0)
- 22: SQL Server: MEDIAPASSWORD – password to your Database Backup file (2)
- 21: SQL Server: Change the default path of Backup directory and Log files (0)
- 20: SQL Server: Various options to Drop a user Database (1)
- 19: SQL Server: SET NOEXEC ON prevent the accidently execution of entire SQL script (2)
- 18: SQL Server Interview: Difference between Filtered Index and Table Partition (0)
- 17: SQL Server: Indexed View acquires a Lock on Data (0)
- 16: SQL Server Interview: The Indexed View – Frequently asked questions (2)
- 15: SQL Server: SET STATISTICS IO and SET STATISTICS TIME measure the Query Performance (3)
- 14: SQL Server: Reasons for Error 3201 Cannot open backup device. Operating system error 5 (Access is denied) (0)
- 13: SQL Server: Reasons for Error 17204 FCB::Open failed: Could not open file (0)
- 12: SQL Server: Fix – Error 5042 The file ‘FileName’ cannot be removed because it is not empty (3)
- 11: SQL Server: How to repair corrupted Clustered Index using REPAIR_REBUILD option (3)
- 10: SQL Server: fix error 3183 RESTORE detected an error on page (0:0) in database as read from the backup set (0)
- 09: SQL Server: Use xp_fixeddrives Procedure to monitor the Disk Space of Server (3)
- 08: SQL Server Interview: Use DBCC SQLPERF to monitor the Transaction Log File Size for all Databases (0)
- 07: SQL Server: fix error 945 database cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or insufficient space on disk (0)
- 06: SQL Server Interview: If Transaction Log Full, what are your steps to resolve it (0)
- 05: SQL Server Interview: How to Reset or Recover SA Password? (System Administrator Login) (0)
- 04: SQL Server: When records lock, use %%lockres%% to find the page information of records (0)
- 03: SQL Server: How to SELECT Random records from a Table? (0)
- 02: PostgreSQL: Shell script to copy table data from one server to another server (0)
- 01: PostgreSQL: Shell script to store psql SELECT output into Variable (0)
February 2017
- 28: PostgreSQL: Shell script to store psql result in RECORD ARRAY using WHILE LOOP (2)
- 27: SQL Server: Execute CHECKPOINT and SHUTDOWN your Database Server immediately (0)
- 26: SQL Server: Create index on large Temp Tables (0)
- 25: SQL Server: Script to find bad Sessions or Processes (0)
- 24: SQL Server: Script to find Open Connections and CPU Usage of each Client Programs (0)
- 23: SQL Server 2016: Create a FOREIGN KEY in Memory optimized Table (In-Memory OLTP) (0)
- 22: SQL Server: Script to monitor the Corrupt Database Pages (0)
- 21: SQL Server: Error – ‘The operation ‘AUTO_CLOSE’ is not supported with databases that have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup’ (0)
- 20: SQL Server: Don’t Enable Auto Close Database Option (0)
- 19: SQL Server Interview: How to prevent ‘SELECT *’ using T-SQL Script? (9)
- 18: SQL Server Interview: A Golden question, Can we disable the Clustered Index? (7)
- 17: SQL Server: You must know about the sys.dm_os_wait_stats (0)
- 16: SQL Server 2012: List of important views to Monitor the AlwaysOn Availability Groups (0)
- 15: SQL Server 2012: Script to monitor Status and Health of AlwaysOn Availability Groups (0)
- 14: SQL Server 2016: Configure a TempDB for Autogrowth and Multiple data files (0)
- 13: SQL Server 2016: How to enable trace flag 1117 and flag 1118 on Database (0)
- 12: SQL Server 2016: TempDB enhancement – by default turn on trace flags 1117 and 1118 (0)
- 11: PostgreSQL: Find a Table location using pg_relation_filepath (0)
- 10: SQL Server: Move your Table from one File Group to another File Group (2)
- 09: PostgreSQL: pg_rotate_logfile to Switch and Rotate the server log file (pg_log) (3)
- 08: PostgreSQL: Script to copy Table Data from one Schema to another Schema (3)
- 07: SQL Server: Enable CHECKSUM Page Verification to detect a prime spot of Data Corruption (0)
- 06: PostgreSQL: How to take a backup of your Table? (6)
- 05: PostgreSQL: Script to search any Text from the Stored Function (0)
- 04: SQL Server: How to Recover a database from SUSPECT Mode? (0)
- 03: PostgreSQL: Improve the performance of Query Sort operation by setting work_mem (0)
- 02: PostgreSQL: How to Disable or Enable Foreign Key Constraint of a Table (11)
- 01: SQL Server: After Restart, Database in “In Recovery” status, Can’t Access it (0)
January 2017
- 31: PostgreSQL: How to find last Day of the Month (0)
- 30: PostgreSQL: Script to find Version and Release Information (0)
- 29: SQL Server: How to Restore Database from Snapshot Database? (0)
- 28: SQL Server: How to create Snapshot Database? (0)
- 27: SQL Server: What is Database Snapshot and How it works? (0)
- 26: PostgreSQL: Must know about pg_terminate_backend and pg_cancel_backend before killing to any session (0)
- 25: MySQL: Script to find Long Running Queries and Transactions (1)
- 24: PostgreSQL: How to apply ACCESS EXCLUSIVE LOCK MODE on Table? (0)
- 23: PostgreSQL Error – FATAL: database role “root” does not exist in Linux (4)
- 22: MySQL: The ARCHIVE Storage Engine, store large amounts of unindexed DATA (0)
- 21: MySQL: CSV Storage Engine, Store Table data into CSV File (0)
- 20: MySQL 5.5: How to configure and enable Performance Schema Engine? (0)
- 19: MySQL 5.5: Introduced PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA storage engine to inspect the performance data (0)
- 18: PostgreSQL: Script to find size of all Databases of Server (1)
- 17: PostgreSQL: Script to find Index Size and Index Usage Statistics (5)
- 16: PostgreSQL psql FATAL: error Peer authentication failed for user (1)
- 15: PostgreSQL: How to Install PostgreSQL 9.6 on Ubuntu 16.04? (2)
- 14: SQL Server 2016: Script to find last statement executed by a SPID using sys.dm_exec_input_buffer (0)
- 13: SQL Server: DBCC INPUTBUFFER to find the last statement executed by a SPID (0)
- 12: SQL Server: Avoid the use of Indexes on VARCHAR columns (0)
- 11: SQL Server Interview: Where does DMVs store its data? (0)
- 10: NoSQL: Cassandra Batch to execute multiple Statements (0)
- 09: SQL Server Interview: What is the logical order of SQL Query (SELECT Statement) (0)
- 08: MySQL: How Query Optimizer Read and Update the Index Statistics (2)
- 07: SQL Server: Get the Latches Usage and Information (sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats) (0)
- 06: SQL Server: Important Discussion about the Latches (0)
- 05: PostgreSQL: Rebuild all Indexes using REINDEXDB utility and REINDEX command (2)
- 04: SQL Server: Filtered Indexes – Improved the query performance (0)
- 03: SQL Server 2012: Script to find all System Objects related to File Table (0)
- 02: SQL Server Interview: How internally it executes a SQL Statement? (0)
- 01: SQL Server: Configure Fill factor for Index and Server Instance (0)
December 2016
- 31: SQL Server: Index Performance Tuning with the Fill Factor (0)
- 30: SQL Server: The truth about TABLE WITH (NOLOCK) (2)
- 29: SQL Server: Amazing Sparse Columns an optimized storage for NULL values (0)
- 28: SQL Server: The list of Important Trace Flags (2)
- 27: SQL Server: Increase Query Performance using a Forced Parameterization (0)
- 26: Database Design: Common Practices for Database Developers and Application Developers (0)
- 25: PostgreSQL: Increase the speed of UPDATE query using HOT UPDATE (Heap only tuple) (1)
- 24: MySQL: The BLACKHOLE Storage Engine, Perform Dummy Insert on Table (1)
- 23: SQL Server: Kill your running Sessions or Change Database Mode (Multi_User to Single_User) (0)
- 22: PostgreSQL: How to check Table Fragmentation using pgstattuple module (4)
- 21: SQL Server: Script to find Outdated Index Statistics
- 20: SQL Server: How to find auto created Statistics Objects?
- 19: SQL Server: sp_updatestats to update the Database Statistics (2)
- 18: SQL Server: Find Statisitcs Information of the Database Objects
- 17: SQL Server: How to create User Defined Filtered Statistics?
- 16: SQL Server: Enable Auto Create and Auto Update Statistics
- 15: SQL Server: The Importance of Statistics and Why It is important (1)
- 14: SQL Server: Have a large Database, use Striped Database Backup & Restore
- 13: SQL Server: T-SQL Script to change Schema of all the Tables
- 12: SQL Server: Who dropped a Table and Which Table has been dropped
- 11: SQL Server 2016: Introduced Query Store, to monitor the performance differences between query execution plans
- 10: SQL Server 2016: Introduced JSON support, to store and retrieve JSON document (1)
- 09: SQL Server: Script to find waiting Queries which are block by other running Queries (1)
- 08: PostgreSQL: pg_ident.conf to map Operating System Username and Database Username (3)
- 07: PostgreSQL: Network Address Type – INET to IP Addresses (IPv4, IPv6)
- 06: PostgreSQL: ISN Data Types to store ISBN, ISMN, ISSN, ISBN13, UPC
- 05: PostgreSQL: How to create a Materialized View and increase the Query Performance (1)
- 04: PostgreSQL: Difference between pg_log, pg_clog and pg_xlog log directories (1)
- 03: Database News: Now Uber switched from PostgreSQL to MySQL (1)
- 02: PostgreSQL: CLUSTER – Improve Index Performance (No default cluster index)
- 01: Database Theory: What is difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL?
November 2016
- 30: Database Design: Don’t use, comma separated Tables in SELECT Query, Use Explicit JOINs
- 29: PostgreSQL: How to calculate RANK in a query (DENSE_RANK())
- 28: PostgreSQL: Using PSQL, Disable Autocommit Globally (3)
- 27: PostgreSQL: Create Prepared Statement, to increase Session Performance (1)
- 26: PostgreSQL: Performance Test of RETURNS TABLE vs OUT Parameters
- 25: PostgreSQL 9.4: UNNEST() WITH ORDINALITY to generate String Array Sequence Number (1)
- 24: PostgreSQL: Copy Database to another Server in Windows (pg_dump – backup & restore) (25)
- 23: SQL Server: Script to find TOP 20 most used or executed SQL Queries (4)
- 22: PostgreSQL: Force on Planner to use Sequential Scan or Index Scan (1)
- 21: PostgreSQL 9.6: Powerful Parallel Query Processing – Full Performance Test
- 20: Database Theory: What is Parallel Query Processing (Parallel Database System)? (3)
- 19: PostgreSQL: How to generate a DeadLock in a Database (ERROR: deadlock detected)
- 18: SQL Server:Warning in Query Execution Plan, “Operator used tempdb to spill data during execution with spill level 2” (2)
- 17: MySQL: How to create a SQL Job or Event Scheduler for scheduling the Database Task
- 16: MySQL: Understand Case Sensitivity parameters for Effective Migration (Case Sensitive or Case Insensitive)
- 15: PostgreSQL: Fibonacci Series Function for Database Developer Interview (2)
- 14: PostgreSQL: Which Filter combinations and Operators can be used with Index?
- 13: SQL Server: Error Msg 5009-One or more files listed in the statement could not be found or could not be initialized (1)
- 12: SQL Server: Error 15023 User already exists in current database (Problem of Orphan User)
- 11: SQL Server: How to configure and enable Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC)? (2)
- 10: SQL Server: Script to find top 20 Stored Procedure, which are utilizing more CPU (3)
- 09: SQL Server: Script to grant EXECUTE stored procedure permission to a Database USER
- 08: SQL Server: Script to find Memory Utilization for each database (1)
- 07: SQL Server: Script to find the CPU Information from Registry
- 06: SQL Server: Script to find top 20 running query, which are utilizing more CPU (1)
- 05: SQL Server: Script to rename Database Name, Table Name, Column Name
- 04: SQL Server: Generate Shrink Script for each Database File
- 03: SQL Server: Script to find Memory usage and allocation
- 02: SQL Server: Script to find Redundant and Duplicate Indexes (3)
- 01: SQL Server: Script to find disable foreign key tables
October 2016
- 31: SQL Server: Script to find Large Object Data Type Columns
- 30: SQL Server: Script to find a Table which has more than 25 columns
- 29: SQL Server: Script to find a Table which has more than 10 Indexes
- 29: SQL Server: T-SQL Script to Rebuild all Indexes of a Database
- 27: SQL Server: Script to find SQL Agent JOB and JOB Schedule Information
- 26: SQL Server: Script to find all Running SQL Server Agent JOB
- 25: SQL Server: Script to find PORT information of an Instance
- 24: SQL Server: Script to find Databases from all the Instances
- 23: SQL Server: Script to find last Restored Log backup file of the Secondary database in Log Shipping
- 22: SQL Server: Script to find all Backup History Information
- 21: SQL Server: Encrypted DDL Trigger to Track all Database Changes (4)
- 20: MySQL: Controlling Query Optimizer to choose the Best Execution Plan (1)
- 19: MySQL: SELECT with Index Hint option to Optimize the Query
- 18: MySQL 5.7: Script to find list of Active InnoDB Temp Tables using INNODB_TEMP_TABLE_INFO (3)
- 17: MySQL: Script to find Largest Databases size on Server
- 16: MySQL: Script to find total occupied Size of each Storage Engines (2)
- 15: MySQL: UDF to SELECT value from a Comma Separated String at any position
- 14: MySQL: Increase the Performance of CREATE INDEX and DROP INDEX for InnoDB
- 13: MySQL 5.7: How to create an Index on JSON Data Type Column
- 12: MySQL 5.7: Introduced JSON Functions for Search and Manipulation
- 11: MySQL 5.7: Introduced Awesome JSON Data Type
- 10: PostgreSQL: How the Rows are stored Physically using ctid? (1)
- 09: PostgreSQL: What is Visibility Map (VM)? (1)
- 08: PostgreSQL: What is a Free Space Map (FSM)? (1)
- 07: PostgreSQL: What is TOAST (The Oversized-Attribute Storage Technique) (1)
- 06: PostgreSQL 9.5: SELECT JSON Formatted data using jsonb_pretty()
- 05: PostgreSQL: Find which object assigns to which user or role and vice versa
- 04: PostgreSQL: Script to find total Live Tuples and Dead Tuples (Row) of a Table (2)
- 03: PostgreSQL: How we can create Index on Expression?
- 02: MySQL: ERROR 2006 (HY000) MySQL server has gone away (3)
- 01: MySQL: How to get Max Value for each group?
September 2016
- 30: MySQL: The finest solution for calculating Age from Date of Birth (1)
- 29: MySQL: How to TRUNCATE all Tables of a Database? (1)
- 28: SQL Server: Copy Table Data from one Database to another Database (2)
- 27: SQL Server: Important difference between IDENT_CURRENT, @@IDENTITY and SCOPE_IDENTITY
- 26: SQL Server: UDF to remove HTML Tag from the String Data (2)
- 25: SQL Server: Option to Hide System Objects in Object Explorer of SSMS
- 24: SQL Server: How to change the default value of SELECT TOP 1000 in SSMS
- 23: SQL Server 2012: Generate Cumulative Sum Column using UNBOUNDED PRECEDING
- 22: MySQL: How to import XML File Data into a Table?
- 21: MySQL: The Truth about InnoDB File Per Table Tablespaces
- 20: MySQL: Why InnoDB Engine stores all databases in one file (ibdata1)? (1)
- 19: SQL Server: PowerShell Function to find System Admin Roles
- 18: SQL Server 2012: All Database and Log backups using PowerShell (2)
- 17: SQL Server: Use PowerShell Invoke-SQLCMD for T-SQL (1)
- 16: SQL Server: The sqlps PowerShell for easy Database File Navigation
- 15: SQL Server 2012: Working with the PowerShell Environment
- 14: MySQL: Function to Split String Value Using Different Delimiters and Position
- 13: PostgreSQL: CREATE PIVOT TABLE to arrange Rows into Columns form (1)
- 12: PostgreSQL: File System Level Backup to just Copy DATA Directory
- 11: PostgreSQL: Create or Change default Tablespace of Table to Migrate on SSD (1)
- 10: PostgreSQL: Script to find TOP 10 Long Running Queries using pg_stat_statements (Day 2/2) (3)
- 09: PostgreSQL: Track ALL SQL Query Execution Statistics using pg_stat_statements Extension (Day 1/2) (2)
- 08: PostgreSQL: Using EXPLAIN ANALYZE, Know your Query Execution Plan
- 07: PostgreSQL 9.1 is going to Shutdown, no more Support and Release Update
- 06: PostgreSQL: Script to find information about the Locks held by Open Transactions (pg_locks)
- 05: PostgreSQL: Generate full Database Script using PGAdmin Tool (4)
- 04: PostgreSQL: Important Statistics Table, Used by the Query Planner
- 03: PostgreSQL: Why we should use ‘$$’ double dollar in PG/pgSQL Block (1)
- 02: PostgreSQL: STRING_AGG() to Concatenate String Per Each Group (Like SQL Server STUFF()) (3)
- 01: PostgreSQL: What are the Differences between SQL and PL/pgSQL language in Function
August 2016
- 31: PostgreSQL 9.5: Introduced BRIN – Block Range Index with Performance Report
- 30: Database Theory: What is BRIN (Block Range Index), How is faster than BTREE Index (2)
- 29: PostgreSQL: Tuning Checkpoint Parameters to Increase the Performance of Bulk Data Load (1)
- 28: PostgreSQL 9.4: How to Convert JSON ARRAY Elements into String ARRAY
- 27: PostgreSQL: Change or Move Default Data Directory in Windows (4)
- 26: PostgreSQL: How to increase the performance of Bulk Insertion (INSERT) (3)
- 25: PostgreSQL: Optimized way to get first Record per each GROUP (using DISTINCT ON, LATERAL)
- 24: PostgreSQL: password authentication failed for user “postgres” in Ubuntu (8)
- 23: PostgreSQL: Example of Trigram Index for Full Text Search using pg_trgm Extension
- 22: PostgreSQL: Example of Partial UNIQUE Composite Index
- 21: PostgreSQL: Optimized way to populate new Column (UUID) in a Large Table
- 20: PostgreSQL: ERROR – data type character varying has no default operator class for access method “gist” (4)
- 19: PostgreSQL: Example of RANGE Data Type
- 18: PostgreSQL: Multiple GROUP BY using GROUPING SETS in Single SQL Query (1)
- 17: PostgreSQL: COMMIT, ROLLBACK and SAVEPOINT for Transactions (1)
- 16: PostgreSQL: Why New User can access all Databases without any Grants (1)
- 15: PostgreSQL 9.5: Insert IF not Exists, Update IF Exists (Insert ON CONFLICT option) (6)
- 14: PostgreSQL 9.5: Using FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED Option SELECT only Committed Records (1)
- 13: PostgreSQL 9.5: How to Concatenate and Overwrite JSON Document
- 12: PostgreSQL: CREATE DOMAIN to Abstract Data Type and Enforce Business Rules
- 11: PostgreSQL 9.4: Using FILTER CLAUSE, multiple COUNT(*) in one SELECT Query for Different Groups (3)
- 10: PostgreSQL: Force Autovacuum for running Aggressive
- 09: PostgreSQL: The Internal path of a Query Execution to Obtain a Result
- 08: PostgreSQL: How to change the Database User Password in Linux
- 07: PostgreSQL: Script to find all Default Values of the Columns
- 06: PostgreSQL: Why psql is running without Password?
- 05: PostgreSQL: How to convert Table Data into JSON formatted Data?
- 04: PostgreSQL: Script to kill all idle sessions and connections of a Database (6)
- 03: PostgreSQL: Create an auto incrementing Primary Key using a Custom Sequence (1)
- 02: PostgreSQL: The Schema Search Path and change the default PUBLIC Schema
- 01: PostgreSQL 9.5: Row Level Security by Example
July 2016
- 31: MySQL: How to escape apostrophe and single quote? (1)
- 30: MySQL: Using SQL Query Profiler finds total execution time and CPU information of the Queries (3)
- 29: NoSQL: Important System Tables of the Cassandra
- 28: PostgreSQL: How to create an index on JSON Property?
- 27: MySQL: Choose Data type and length of the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) (1)
- 26: MySQL: Password Encryption using the Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm (AES_ENCRYPT())
- 25: PostgreSQL: Should we create Multiple Databases OR create Multiple Schemas? (1)
- 24: A Day in the life of a DBA ! (13)
- 23: SQL Server: Database Security Interview Questions and Answers (Day-6)
- 22: SQL Server: Database Security Interview Questions and Answers (Day-5) (1)
- 21: SQL Server: Database Security Interview Questions and Answers (Day-4)
- 20: SQL Server: Database Security Interview Questions and Answers (Day-3)
- 19: SQL Server: Database Security Interview Questions and Answers (Day-2)
- 18: SQL Server: Database Security Interview Questions and Answers (Day-1) (1)
- 17: SQL Server Database Administrator Interview Questions and Answers (Day-9) (4)
- 16: SQL Server Database Administrator Interview Questions and Answers (Day-8)
- 15: SQL Server Database Administrator Interview Questions and Answers (Day-7)
- 14: SQL Server Database Administrator Interview Questions and Answers (Day-6)
- 13: SQL Server Database Administrator Interview Questions and Answers (Day-5)
- 12: SQL Server Database Administrator Interview Questions and Answers (Day-4)
- 11: SQL Server Database Administrator Interview Questions and Answers (Day-3) (1)
- 10: SQL Server Database Administrator Interview Questions and Answers (Day-2)
- 09: SQL Server Database Administrator Interview Questions and Answers (Day-1) (3)
- 08: SQL Server: Database Log Shipping Interview Questions and Answers (Day-4)
- 07: SQL Server: Database Log Shipping Interview Questions and Answers (Day-3) (2)
- 06: SQL Server: Database Log Shipping Interview Questions and Answers (Day-2)
- 05: SQL Server: Database Log Shipping Interview Questions and Answers (Day-1)
- 04: SQL Server: Database Replication Interview Questions and Answers (Day-7) (2)
- 03: SQL Server: Database Replication Interview Questions and Answers (Day-6)
- 02: SQL Server: Database Replication Interview Questions and Answers (Day-5)
- 01: SQL Server: Database Replication Interview Questions and Answers (Day-4)
June 2016
- 30: SQL Server: Database Replication Interview Questions and Answers (Day-3) (2)
- 29: SQL Server: Database Replication Interview Questions and Answers (Day-2)
- 28: SQL Server: Database Replication Interview Questions and Answers (Day-1)
- 27: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-16)
- 26: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-15)
- 25: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-14)
- 24: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-13)
- 23: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-12)
- 22: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-11)
- 21: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-10)
- 20: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-9)
- 19: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-8)
- 19: Laugh@dbrnd.gif: Are you storing Comma Separated List in Database? (1)
- 19: Laugh@dbrnd.gif: Should a Database Table always have a Primary Key? (6)
- 19: Laugh@dbrnd.gif: Are you Junior DBA ?
- 18: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-7)
- 17: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-6)
- 16: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-5)
- 15: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-4)
- 14: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-3) (1)
- 13: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-2)
- 12: SQL Server: Database Developer (T-SQL) Interview Questions and Answers (Day-1)
- 11: SQL Server: Database Indexes Interview Questions and Answers (Day-4)
- 10: SQL Server: Database Indexes Interview Questions and Answers (Day-3)
- 09: SQL Server: Database Indexes Interview Questions and Answers (Day-2)
- 08: SQL Server: Database Indexes Interview Questions and Answers (Day-1) (3)
- 07: SQL Server: Database Lock, Deadlock, Block and Isolation Interview Questions and Answers (Day-4)
- 06: SQL Server: Database Lock, Deadlock, Block and Isolation Interview Questions and Answers (Day-3)
- 05: SQL Server: Database Lock, Deadlock, Block and Isolation Interview Questions and Answers (Day-2)
- 04: SQL Server: Database Lock, Deadlock, Block and Isolation Interview Questions and Answers (Day-1) (3)
- 03: SQL Server: Database Mirroring Interview Questions and Answers (Day-5)
- 02: SQL Server: Database Mirroring Interview Questions and Answers (Day-4) (1)
- 01: SQL Server: Database Mirroring Interview Questions and Answers (Day-3)
May 2016
- 31: SQL Server: Database Mirroring Interview Questions and Answers (Day-2) (1)
- 30: SQL Server: Database Mirroring Interview Questions and Answers (Day-1)
- 29: SQL Server: Internal Storage and Memory Architecture Interview Questions and Answers (Day-5)
- 28: SQL Server: Internal Storage and Memory Architecture Interview Questions and Answers (Day-4) (1)
- 27: SQL Server: Internal Storage and Memory Architecture Interview Questions and Answers (Day-3) (1)
- 26: SQL Server: Internal Storage and Memory Architecture Interview Questions and Answers (Day-2)
- 25: SQL Server: Internal Storage and Memory Architecture Interview Questions and Answers (Day-1)
- 24: SQL Server: Database Backup & Restore Interview Questions and Answers (Day-7)
- 23: SQL Server: Database Backup & Restore Interview Questions and Answers (Day-6) (4)
- 22: SQL Server: Database Backup & Restore Interview Questions and Answers (Day-5)
- 21: SQL Server: Database Backup & Restore Interview Questions and Answers (Day-4)
- 20: SQL Server: Database Backup & Restore Interview Questions and Answers (Day-3)
- 19: SQL Server: Database Backup & Restore Interview Questions and Answers (Day-2)
- 18: SQL Server: Database Backup & Restore Interview Questions and Answers (Day-1) (1)
- 17: Database Theory: Advice to DBA, Understand RTO and RPO before Database Maintenance (1)
- 16: SQL Server: Script to enable Native Backup Compression for all Database Backups
- 15: SQL Server: How to enable Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) on a Database? (2)
- 14: SQL Server: Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) to Encrypt a Database (1)
- 13: SQL Server: Important System Tables for Alerts, SQL Jobs, Operators
- 12: MySQL: Error code 1005 Can’t create table (errno 150)
- 11: SQL Server: Important System Tables for Backup and Restore
- 10: NoSQL: Cassandra Important CQL shell commands
- 09: NoSQL: Cassandra default list of port usage (5)
- 08: NoSQL: Cassandra introduces Role Based Authentication (3)
- 07: NoSQL: “org.apache.cassandra.auth.CassandraRoleManager doesn’t support PASSWORD” (1)
- 06: NoSQL: To Locate and Edit cassandra.yaml Configuration File of Cassandra (2)
- 05: NoSQL: Cassandra Collection Data Types – List, Set, Map
- 04: NoSQL: Cassandra Automatic Data Expiration using Time to Live (ttl)
- 03: NoSQL: Create your first Index on Cassandra Column
- 02: NoSQL: Create your first Cassandra Column-Family (Table) (2)
- 01: NoSQL: Cassandra Query Language (CQL) Data Types
April 2016
- 30: NoSQL: Create your first Cassandra Keyspace
- 29: NoSQL: Install Single Node Cassandra 3.5 on Ubuntu 14.04
- 28: NoSQL: Cassandra Architecture – Read and Write operations in The Ring (Day 2)
- 27: NoSQL: Key concepts of the Cassandra Architecture (Day 1)
- 26: NoSQL: What is a Cassandra Query Language (CQL)?
- 25: NoSQL: Awesome Morning, What is Apache Cassandra? (3)
- 24: MySQL: Script to find default Character Set for Database, Table and Column
- 23: MySQL: How to Enable and Disable Foreign Key Constraint? (3)
- 22: PostgreSQL: How to generate a Random Token String? (4)
- 21: PostgreSQL: How to Install PostgreSQL 9.4 on Ubuntu 14.04?
- 20: SQL Server: The Important Performance Counters (dm_os_performance_counters)
- 19: SQL Server: Find the total row count and size of the Tables
- 18: Database Theory: Table Scan vs Index Scan vs Index Seek (3)
- 17: SQL Server: GAM and SGAM Pages to find the Extent Space Information
- 16: SQL Server: Understanding the role of Extent (1)
- 15: SQL Server: DBCC PAGE and DBCC IND to find a Data Page information (2)
- 14: SQL Server: What happened, when Row Overflow and Data Exceeding 8KB?
- 13: SQL Server: The Internal Structure of the Data Page
- 12: SQL Server: The internal storage architecture of the Database Files (2)
- 11: Database Design: The Ultimate Strategies to avoid Deadlock (3)
- 10: SQL Server: What happens after the Deadlock arise?
- 09: SQL Server: 8 different ways to Detect a DeadLock in a Database (1)
- 08: SQL Server: T-SQL script to generate a DeadLock in a Database (2)
- 07: Database Theory: What is Optimistic Locking and Pessimistic Locking? (5)
- 06: Database Theory: What is Timeout, Lock, Block, and Deadlock in a Database System? (3)
- 05: SQL Server: What is SNAPSHOT Isolation Level?
- 04: SQL Sever: What is SERIALIZABLE Isolation level?
- 03: SQL Server: What is REPEATABLE READ Isolation Level? (3)
- 02: SQL Server: What is Read Uncommitted Isolation Level?
- 01: SQL Server: READ COMMITTED Isolation Level with the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT option
March 2016
- 31: PostgreSQL: Script to check a Fillfactor value for Tables and Indexes (2)
- 30: PostgreSQL: ALTER TABLE to change Fillfactor Value (4)
- 29: PostgreSQL: How to measure the size of a Table Row and Data Page? (7)
- 28: PostgreSQL: The Awesome Table Fillfactor to speedup UPDATE and SELECT statement (5)
- 27: SQL Server: How to read database error log using T-SQL (xp_readerrorlog)
- 26: MySQL: What is the main role of .frm file? (5)
- 25: PostgreSQL: Using json_agg() aggregate table data into a JSON formatted array (3)
- 24: MySQL: UDF to remove HTML Tag from the String Data (5)
- 23: MySQL: SELECT UTC_TIMESTAMP and CONVERT local date time to UTC time zone (1)
- 22: SQL Server: Script to find Installation Date, time and Authentication Mode
- 21: SQL Server: Script to find Heap Table without having an Index
- 20: MySQL: Search String using Regular Expressions (REGEXP)
- 19: PostgreSQL: Update the Table data using Subquery
- 18: SQL Server: Script to find the status of Trace is running or not (2)
- 17: SQL Server: Truth about assigning variables using SET versus SELECT
- 16: SQL Server: Script to change the Recovery Model of a Database (1)
- 15: SQL Server: Script to find Index Average Fragmentation in Percentage
- 14: SQL Server: Script to make Database Read Only and Read Write (3)
- 13: NoSQL: Data Model, What is the Graph Based Store Database (Day 7)
- 12: NoSQL: Data Model, What is the Document Based Store Database (Day 6)
- 11: NoSQL: Data Model, What is the Key Value Store Database (Day 5 )
- 10: NoSQL: Data Model, What is the Column Family Store (Day 4) (1)
- 09: NoSQL: Relational Database – RDBMS vs. NoSQL, What do you think? (Day 3) (2)
- 08: NoSQL: Choose for Better Performance, Scalability, High Availability, and Flexibility (Day 2) (2)
- 07: NoSQL: The latest buzzword in Data Science, What is NoSQL? (Day 1) (2)
- 06: PostgreSQL: Update the Timestamp column with the use of TRIGGER
- 05: SQL Server 2012: The Amazing CONCAT function for string concatenation
- 04: MySQL: How to generate Cumulative Sum Column? (6)
- 03: PostgreSQL: Working with Universally Unique Identifier – UUID Data type (3)
- 02: Database Theory: The truth about Universally Unique Identifier – UUID (7)
- 01: PostgreSQL: Best way for Password Encryption using pgcrypto’s Cryptographic functions (8)
February 2016
- 29: SQL Server: The Awesome TOP clause WITH TIES option (1)
- 28: MySQL: Opening and Closing of Database Connection is very costly (2)
- 27: PostgreSQL: Populate DROP FUNCTION script with the type of Parameters
- 26: MySQL: Script to find last Updated time of the Table (3)
- 25: PostgreSQL: Script to create a copy of the Existing Database (2)
- 24: MySQL: Error 1153 – Got a packet bigger than ‘max_allowed_packet’ bytes (1)
- 23: SQL Server: TSQL Script to find Count the number of Occurrences of a String (5)
- 22: MySQL: Script to identify the locks and blocking transactions (5)
- 21: MySQL: Script to find Last AUTO_INCREMENT value for a Table
- 20: MySQL: Script to find Source and Destination of All Foreign Key Constraint (3)
- 19: SQL Server: Make a System Stored Procedure for Available to all Databases
- 18: SQL Server: Difference between Temp Table and Common Table Expression (CTE) (3)
- 17: MySQL: Procedure Variable vs Session specific User Defined Variable (@variable vs variable) (7)
- 16: PostgreSQL 9.4: Indexing on jsonb Data Type (Part 3/3) (2)
- 15: PostgreSQL 9.4: Introduced JSON Functions and Operators (Part 2/3)
- 14: PostgreSQL 9.4: The JSON data type is Awesome (Part 1/3) (1)
- 13: SQL Server 2012: Msg 11730, Database name cannot be specified for the sequence object in default constraints
- 12: SQL Server: Difference between Temporary Table and Table Variable
- 11: SQL Server 2012: Script to find uncontained objects of a Database
- 10: MySQL: Perform Case Sensitive string comparison (2)
- 09: PostgreSQL: Important Parameters for better Performance (2)
- 08: SQL Server 2012: Introduced LAG function, the best alternative of Self Join to compare Previous Row (1)
- 07: SQL Server 2012: Introduced LEAD function, the best alternative of Self Join to compare Next Row
- 06: SQL Server: Find First NOT NULL Column using a COALESCE Function (6)
- 05: SQL Server: The TempDB is Full, Shrink it or Move it
- 04: MySQL 5.7: Introduced EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION to check the Execution Plan of Running Connections
- 03: SQL Server 2012: Create Sequence object to generate Alphanumeric Sequence Number (1)
- 02: MySQL: Create FEDERATED Table using CREATE SERVER
- 01: MySQL: The Important Notes and Tips of FEDERATED Storage Engine (Part 4/4)
January 2016
- 31: MySQL: Create FEDERATED Table to SELECT data from another server (Part 3/4) (5)
- 30: MySQL: Configured and Enable FEDERATED engine (Part 2/4)
- 29: MySQL: FEDERATED Table Engine – SELECT data from another Server (Part 1/4) (1)
- 28: Database Design: Storing a comma separated list in a Database, Is a Bad Practice? (1)
- 27: SQL Server 2012: Error Msg 3729 Cannot DROP SEQUENCE because it is being referenced by Object
- 26: Database Design: Should we allow NULL or We should apply NOT NULL ? (1)
- 25: SQL Server 2012: Introduced dm_db_log_space_usage to find a Log size (1)
- 24: SQL Server 2012: Custom paging using OFFSET and FETCH NEXT (6)
- 23: SQL Server: Newly created Table with red underline and showing as an Invalid Object (3)
- 22: SQL Server: Set ROWCOUNT to return only fix number of rows for all Query Result.
- 21: SQL Server: SSMS Report option to find disk usage by Tables & Indexes (1)
- 20: SQL Server: After execution discard a result of the Query (1)
- 19: SQL Server: Insert different Symbol or Multilingual data in a Table (1)
- 18: SQL Server: Remove recent file history from the File Menu (3)
- 18: PostgreSQL: Composite UNIQUE Constraint does not consider NULL Values (10)
- 16: MySQL: Configured InnoDB Engine for Multithreaded Database (3)
- 15: SQL Server: Script to check all Database Autogrowth Settings (1)
- 14: SQL Server: Script to find all the Tables without having a Primary Key
- 13: SQL Server: Error 262 SHOWPLAN permission denied in database (1)
- 12: MySQL: Check, Optimize and Repair Tables using Mysqlcheck (2)
- 11: MySQL: ERROR 1130: Host is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server (6)
- 10: SQL Server 2014: Create Memory Optimized File Group and Table (6)
- 09: SQL Server 2014: What is Hekaton? (1)
- 08: SQL Server 2016: Introduce New TRUNCATE by Partitions Number
- 07: SQL Server: Using EXCEPT find Mismatch rows from two tables
- 06: SQL Server: Script to Remove Extra Spaces from a String (1)
- 05: MySQL: Backup and Restore Database using mysqldump (2)
- 04: PostgreSQL: How to Allow Remote Connection to Connect Database (6)
- 03: SQL Server 2012: Find First Sunday of Next Month using EOMONTH (1)
- 02: SQL Server: Script to find and change Compatibility Level of Database (2)
- 01: SQL Server: Script to Remove Trailing Character from Number Column
December 2015
- 31: SQL Server: Script to find Identity Column of a Database
- 30: SQL Server: Script to find Status of all Database Trigger (4)
- 29: SQL Server: 2012 Introduce New Logical Function – IIF (1)
- 28: SQL Server: How to Convert Varbinary to Numeric & vice versa? (1)
- 27: SQL Server: Find MAX value from Multiple Columns (1)
- 26: SQL Server: Concatenate Strings using the GROUP BY clause (9)
- 25: SQL Server:Function to Split String Value Using Different Delimiters (1)
- 24: Database Theory: What is In-memory Database? (2)
- 23: SQL Server: IO requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete
- 22: SQL Server: Script to find Estimated Finish Time of The Backup Database (3)
- 21: Database Design: Use Stored Procedure, Do not use Inline or Ad Hoc SQL
November 2015
- 30: Database Theory: What is a Data Masking ? (3)
- 29: MySQL: Script to determine the size of innodb_buffer_pool_size (8)
- 28: PostgreSQL: Performance difference between VARCHAR and VARCHAR(n)
- 27: PostgreSQL: Prevent New User to access Newly Created Database
- 26: MySQL: The Main difference between InnoDB and MyISAM (4)
- 25: PostgreSQL: New Powerful feature of PostgreSQL 9.4 (4)
- 24: SQL Server: Script to find Estimated Finish Time of The Restore Database (1)
- 23: PostgreSQL: Script to Stop all Connections and Force to Drop the Database (1)
- 22: PostgreSQL: Execute VACUUM FULL without Disk Space (7)
- 21: PostgreSQL: Short note on VACUUM, VACUUM FULL and ANALYZE (3)
- 20: published 125 Posts: This Gratitude Post for Readers (2)
- 19: SQL Server: Script to find the last Executed Query using SPID (3)
- 18: SQL Server: Script to find the size of Database Files and Log Files (2)
- 17: SQL Server: Script to List all Dynamic Management Views and Functions (1)
- 16: SQL Server: Script to Hide all Databases in SSMS (3)
- 15: MySQL: How to Log General and Long Running Queries into Log Table (3)
- 14: SQL Server: Script to Enable and Disable XP_CMDSHELL Configuration (2)
- 13: SQL Server: Script to find CPU Pressure using Signal Wait Time
- 12: PostgreSQL: Important Parameters to enable Log for all Queries (5)
- 11: SQL Server: Script to find total Row Count of All Tables in a Database
- 10: PostgreSQL: Function to truncate all Tables created by Particular User (2)
- 09: SQL Server: Error 701 There is insufficient system memory to run this query (2)
- 08: PostgreSQL: SELECT Last Inserted ID or Sequence Value (2)
- 07: SQL Server: Script to find Missing Indexes (9)
- 06: SQL Server: Monitor and Manage Database Corruption (1)
- 05: SQL Server: A Different command to check Basic Security Audit
- 04: SQL Server: Script to find the Location of Database Backup Files
- 03: PostgreSQL: How to Clear Cache of the Database Sessions (9)
- 02: PostgreSQL: Script to Kill all Running Connections and Sessions of a Database (1)
- 01: MySQL: Get ID of the Last Updated Row (2)
October 2015
- 31: MySQL: Error Code-1175 You are using safe update mode
- 30: MySQL: How to change default Character set to UTF-8 (4)
- 29: Database Theory: What is Character Set and Collation (7)
- 28: MySQL: Mathematical Calculation using Values, Parameters, Variables and Columns
- 27: MySQL: Script to find Index Usage Statistics of a Database
- 26: SQL Server: Script to find all Columns information of a Database
- 25: MySQL: Set default value for a Datetime Column (1)
- 24: PostgreSQL: Why identifiers are Case-Sensitive (3)
- 23: SQL Server: Script to find all Default values with Columns (3)
- 22: PostgreSQL: Script to Create a Read-Only Database User (9)
- 21: SQL Server: Script to find Last Backup Time for All Databases
- 20: PostgreSQL: Script to find Source and Destination of All Foreign Key Constraint
- 19: SQL Server: Script to find a different Server Property (Host, Instance, Edition, Version)
- 18: SQL Server: Script to find usage of Database Indexes (4)
- 17: SQL Server: Script to find Index Operational Stats
- 16: SQL Server: DBCC to Clean Cache and Clean Buffer for Stored Procedure
- 15: PostgreSQL: Configure Your Database in free Cloud Storage for POC
- 13: SQL Server: Script to reset Table Identity using DBCC CHECKIDENT (1)
- 12: Database Design: The Truth about Archive Table and Soft Delete of Historical Data (1)
- 11: SQL Server: All Important Query Window Shortcut Keys (2)
- 10: PostgreSQL: Insert – Update or Upsert – Merge using writable CTE
- 09: MySQL: Query Interview Questions and Answers
- 08: PostgreSQL: Fast way to find the row count of a Table (3)
- 07: PostgreSQL: Script to find a Missing Indexes of the schema (11)
- 06: MySQL: Frequently asked Interview Questions and Answers Part 7
- 05: MySQL: Frequently asked Interview Questions and Answers Part 6 (1)
- 04: MySQL: Frequently asked Interview Questions and Answers Part 5
- 03: MySQL: Frequently asked Interview Questions and Answers Part 4 (9)
- 02: MySQL: Frequently asked Interview Questions and Answers Part 3
- 01: MySQL: Frequently asked Interview Questions and Answers Part 2
September 2015
- 30: MySQL: Frequently asked Interview Questions and Answers Part 1
- 29: MySQL: Import and Export CSV data with Headers
- 28: PostgreSQL: Script to find the unused and duplicate index (4)
- 27: PostgreSQL: Important Database Administrator Commands Part II (PSQL) (1)
- 26: PostgreSQL: Important Database Administrator Commands Part I (1)
- 25: PostgreSQL: Script to find which group roles are granted to the User
- 24: PostgreSQL: Script to Find Table and Column without comment or description
- 23: Script to find sessions that are blocking other sessions in PostgreSQL (1)
- 22: Script to find active sessions or connections in PostgreSQL (1)
- 21: String Array as an input parameter in PostgreSQL (5)
- 20: Import or Export a CSV File using PostgreSQL COPY Command
- 19: Delete all duplicate rows in MySQL (4)
- 18: Find duplicate records in MySQL (1)
- 17: Best practice for Primary Key in Database Management System (2)
- 16: Enable and Disable Foreign key and Check constraint in SQL Server
- 15: How to write Dynamic SQL Query in MySQL Stored Procedure (40)
- 14: Delete all duplicates rows except one in SQL Server (1)
- 13: Important MySQL and Ubuntu Console Commands (1)
- 05: The truth about to store images into the Database System or into the File System (3)
- 04: Difference between datetime and timestamp in MySQL (4)
- 03: SELECT all columns to be good or bad in database system (2)
- 02: How to Insert if not exists in MySQL (1)
- 01: Prepared or Parameterized Statement in MySQL (4)
August 2015
- 31: List all Dates between two dates in SQL Server (6)
- 30: Find top N records for each group in MySQL
- 29: Arrange Rows to Columns Pivot Table in MySQL
- 29: Calculation of Rank in MySQL Query (9)
- 20: Prepared or Parameterized Statements in Database System
- 18: Insert-Update, Merge statement in MySQL (8)
- 16: MySQL Temporary Table vs Memory Table.
- 15: The Memory or Heap Storage Engine of MySQL
- 15: What is heap Table
- 15: row_number and partition by in Mysql (2)
- 15: Find Table Dependency in MySQL
- 14: Find any text into Stored Procedure and Function of MySQL (1)
- 14: Determine free and occupied size of Tables and Database into MySQL
- 14: Script to Find and Kill Running Process in MySQL (1)
- 13: How to store and retrieve XML data into MySQL
- 11: How to reset MySQL root Password in Ubuntu (6)
- 08: MySQL Query Cache Part II/II
- 08: MySQL Query Cache Part I/II
- 05: Find Free and Occupied space by SQL Server Database
- 04: Open transactions in SQL Server
June 2015
- 28: Script to find last DDL changes in SQL Server (3)
- 28: Script to find Running Process and Session in SQL Server
- 28: How to Find Foreign key References in SQL Server (7)
- 21: Find out most recently modified Stored Procedure and Table in SQL Server
- 21: SQL Server CPU usage per Different Objects (4)
- 21: Script to Find Slowest Running Query in SQL Server
- 20: SQL Script to find Cross Database Object Dependency in SQL Server (1)
- 20: SQL Script to find Object Dependency in SQL Server
- 20: How to find any Text, Column, Comment, Object Name in SQL Server Objects (5)
- 20: Query to Find Missing Number and ID in SQL Server (2)
- 01: Copy unique records from one table to another in SQL Server
- 01: Script to Validate IP Address range in SQL Server (1)
May 2015
- 31: How to find size of Database and Table in PostgreSQL (5)
- 31: Best way to store IP Address into Database System (2)
- 31: SQL Server Parameter Sniffing (5)
- 30: Script to Enable and Disable the Default Trace in SQL Server
- 30: What is Multi Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) (8)
- 28: MySQL Flush Command
- 27: PostgreSQL Dynamic SQL (3)
- 27: PostgreSQL Paging Query using LIMIT and OFFSET
- 23: How to change ownership for all objects in PostgreSQL (1)
- 22: PostgreSQL [Video]: Cross Database Queries using DbLink Extension (38)
- 22: PostgreSQL XML Type (5)
- 21: MySQL Error Handling (20)
- 20: How to create job in PostgreSQL (24)
- 20: How to reset postgres user password in windows ?
- 19: Effective storage of Email Address into Database System (7)
- 19: MySQL String Functions (1)
- 19: Insert script for all Countries (3)
- 13: Lost Connection to MySQL Server during query
- 13: Stored Procedure in MySQL
- 01: ACID Properties in Database System (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) (11)